With the hopelessness and anger that takes over a family when their child is diagnosed with Autism, comes the worst thing a parent wants to experience, a lack of answers.
When having their child examined by most medical professionals, parents typically get the same “non-answers”… your child has Autism… there is nothing more we can do… prepare yourself for the needs for their care that will continue the rest of their lives.
Of course, this is not what a frantic parent wants to hear. They are looking for real answers, yet most members of the medical community they see are all saying the same thing. With no real answers about how to make their child healthy again.
Fortunately, medical professors and alternative health practitioners are leading the charge to uncovering the answers. And in their fight, they have revealed what may be some of the biggest factors there are for children who are battling ASD.
Researchers at the University of California are focusing their efforts on the external factors that may be causing children to live horrible lives. Lives of being disconnected from their families, and being unable to communicate and think like most healthy children.boy puzle
Their focus, along with the focus of alternative medicine professionals, is to look at all of the external factors that can affect a child. From the time of conception, to environmental factors that affect the pregnant mother, to stresses and chemicals that affect all of our lives, to everything a fetus and a newborn child is exposed to.
The stress an expectant mother can go through is no secret. And as the days prior to birth come closer, the stress escalates to extremely high levels.
There are the stresses of the birth itself. More and more “C-Sections” are done each year, when the mother endures evasive surgery, only to have the newborn ripped from her body. And that’s for a C-Section. Many deliveries that are approached from a traditional standpoint can be even more stressful, with all sorts methods used to extract the baby from the mother’s body.
And as the baby is making it’s way into this world, there are many extreme stresses it experiences. From the forcible birth methods, and many other complications that can arise, the baby is in extreme stress mode from the start.
Then to make matters worse, the baby then starts a long line of treatments with antibiotics, and a laundry list of vaccines, which the health benefits of are questionable at best.
So if you are investigating the causes and treatments of Autism Spectrum Disorder on your own, it’s wise to not only seek out what the mainstream medical community is telling you.
The greatest advances in the fight to eliminate Autism from the lives of our children may just lie in the unbiased research professors, the institutions of higher learning, and practitioners of what the mainstream medical community see as “alternative” methods. Professionals whose first response is not necessarily drugs and surgery.