Is ADHD a Superpower?

What we’ve all been told is that ADHD is a problem. That adults and kids with ADHD are “broken” to some degree, they have something wrong with them. Well, in this article I’m going to address that issue in this way — yes and no. Truth is, ADHD is a simple condition to understand because…
Sensory Processing Disorder Support Checklist

Sensory Support Checklist for the School Year For those of us in the Midwest, fall means cooler temperatures, leaves falling, and football games everywhere. It also means back to school time for most families, and those who have kids with special needs and sensory challenges, that also can unfortunately mean more struggles and rough days.…
Fussy Newborns & Trouble Later in Life: the Real Cause and Effect

While posting this article to my blog page today, it became clear to me that this topic had to be the focus of an article. Over the past few weeks I have been even more motivated that usual to get the word out about the connection between birth trauma, infantile colic and fussiness, and trouble later…
Ears, Antibiotics, & Asthma: Yet Another Perfect Storm

It’s still just plain crazy to me that I even have to write about this. The understanding and facts behind this topic are so clear, and have been for so long, that I just can’t believe everyone doesn’t know this yet. It’s appalling parents aren’t given the facts because the research is clear. What am…
Autism: Putting the Puzzle Together
Without any doubt our kids of today are facing a serious, real, rapidly exploding pandemic, and it isn’t swine flu, bird flu, or any other sort of flu. The real pandemic at the doorstep of millions of US families is autism. Earlier this year the CDC announced that this disorder now affects 1 in 88…