What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Sensory Processing Disorder goes by many names (Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Neurosensory Dysfunction, etc.) but no matter what you call it, the underlying causes of it don’t change. What is more, we strongly feel that sensory issues are one of the most commonly missed diagnoses out there. A properly trained health care provider understands that many…
Fussy Newborns & Trouble Later in Life: the Real Cause and Effect

While posting this article to my blog page today, it became clear to me that this topic had to be the focus of an article. Over the past few weeks I have been even more motivated that usual to get the word out about the connection between birth trauma, infantile colic and fussiness, and trouble later…
Autism: Putting the Puzzle Together
Without any doubt our kids of today are facing a serious, real, rapidly exploding pandemic, and it isn’t swine flu, bird flu, or any other sort of flu. The real pandemic at the doorstep of millions of US families is autism. Earlier this year the CDC announced that this disorder now affects 1 in 88…
10 Reasons Parents Take Healthy Children to Chiropractors
Some people wonder why more and more parents are taking their children to see chiropractors. The answer is simple: whether we have a large spine or a tiny little one, if that spine is negatively impacting the communication of the nervous system then our body is unable regulate and coordinate itself correctly. The Nervous System…
Study: an Evaluation of Chiropractic Adjustments & Hyperactivity in Children
This is a big topic, and a big concern for moms who have been told their child is suffering from ADHD And then told that there’s nothing much that can be done, besides giving them drugs. While the results of this study are not conclusive, they certainly bring focus to the benefits chiropractic can bring…