Time for a Change

Current CDC statistics state the following reality kids today face: 8.6% of kids struggle with asthma 11% diagnosed with ADHD 1 in 6 kids have developmental disabilities 40% suffer from allergies 1 in 68 diagnosed with autism and rising fast Why is it so bad now, compared to when I grew up? Thankfully parents of…
Ears, Antibiotics, & Asthma: Yet Another Perfect Storm

It’s still just plain crazy to me that I even have to write about this. The understanding and facts behind this topic are so clear, and have been for so long, that I just can’t believe everyone doesn’t know this yet. It’s appalling parents aren’t given the facts because the research is clear. What am…
Chiropractic for Chronic Ear Infections in Children
This is a great subject: helping children naturally, without drugs and surgery. It’s also a serious subject, as any parent knows, who has seen their child in serious pain- even having to put them in the hospital. More and more parents are beginning to look to chiropractors to complement their children’s health care. Chiropractic care involves…
Taking a Chiropractic Approach to Childhood Ear Infections
This was a news piece from a TV station in Connecticut, WFSB. They talked to a mom who was having her son seen by a chiropractor, to help him without drugs or antibiotics. WEST HAVEN, CT (WFSB) – A different approach to treating your child’s ear infections as a mom in West Haven is having…
Would You Let a Doctor Perform Unnecessary Invasive Surgery On Your Three-Year-Old?
Ear infections in children has been a common occurrence for decades, Prompting ear, nose and throat doctors to respond with an automatic prescription for surgery, anesthesia and tubes to drain the inner ear. But there is a well-known issue that arises when a child five years old or under is subjected to anesthesia many times,…