Time for a Change

Current CDC statistics state the following reality kids today face: 8.6% of kids struggle with asthma 11% diagnosed with ADHD 1 in 6 kids have developmental disabilities 40% suffer from allergies 1 in 68 diagnosed with autism and rising fast Why is it so bad now, compared to when I grew up? Thankfully parents of…
Is ADHD a Superpower?

What we’ve all been told is that ADHD is a problem. That adults and kids with ADHD are “broken” to some degree, they have something wrong with them. Well, in this article I’m going to address that issue in this way — yes and no. Truth is, ADHD is a simple condition to understand because…
Sensory Processing Disorder Support Checklist

Sensory Support Checklist for the School Year For those of us in the Midwest, fall means cooler temperatures, leaves falling, and football games everywhere. It also means back to school time for most families, and those who have kids with special needs and sensory challenges, that also can unfortunately mean more struggles and rough days.…
Escaping the Perfect Storm
In previous articles I’ve spoken about our office’s biggest passion and area of expertise: kids in our community that we call the “perfect storm,” a group whose numbers are unfortunately growing and expanding at unprecedented rates. In this article, I hope to help parents of these children by giving them a clearer path of how…
Study: an Evaluation of Chiropractic Adjustments & Hyperactivity in Children
This is a big topic, and a big concern for moms who have been told their child is suffering from ADHD And then told that there’s nothing much that can be done, besides giving them drugs. While the results of this study are not conclusive, they certainly bring focus to the benefits chiropractic can bring…