Time for a Change

Current CDC statistics state the following reality kids today face: 8.6% of kids struggle with asthma 11% diagnosed with ADHD 1 in 6 kids have developmental disabilities 40% suffer from allergies 1 in 68 diagnosed with autism and rising fast Why is it so bad now, compared to when I grew up? Thankfully parents of…
Autism: Putting the Puzzle Together
Without any doubt our kids of today are facing a serious, real, rapidly exploding pandemic, and it isn’t swine flu, bird flu, or any other sort of flu. The real pandemic at the doorstep of millions of US families is autism. Earlier this year the CDC announced that this disorder now affects 1 in 88…
Escaping the Perfect Storm
In previous articles I’ve spoken about our office’s biggest passion and area of expertise: kids in our community that we call the “perfect storm,” a group whose numbers are unfortunately growing and expanding at unprecedented rates. In this article, I hope to help parents of these children by giving them a clearer path of how…
Chiropractic Adjustments Shown to Reverse Autism in 3-year-old Girl
We love reports like these. It reminds us that advances are being made in health and wellness, that help people without drugs, antibiotics and surgery. In this revealing study, once again we see what chiropractic can do, with a real world case study. If you know anyone who can relate to this, be sure to…
Are Environmental Factors Enabling Autism in Children?
With the hopelessness and anger that takes over a family when their child is diagnosed with Autism, comes the worst thing a parent wants to experience, a lack of answers. When having their child examined by most medical professionals, parents typically get the same “non-answers”… your child has Autism… there is nothing more we can…