Taking a Chiropractic Approach to Childhood Ear Infections
This was a news piece from a TV station in Connecticut, WFSB. They talked to a mom who was having her son seen by a chiropractor, to help him without drugs or antibiotics. WEST HAVEN, CT (WFSB) – A different approach to treating your child’s ear infections as a mom in West Haven is having…
Your First Steps to Understanding Autism
The world of Autism is an ugly, hopeless world for parents and children. When signs of Autism appear, families are thrust into a whirlwind of emotions. From anger to extreme frustration, to self-blame and hopelessness… parents of an Autistic child immediately leave their normal, happy life behind, for a long journey through what seems like…
Would You Let a Doctor Perform Unnecessary Invasive Surgery On Your Three-Year-Old?
Ear infections in children has been a common occurrence for decades, Prompting ear, nose and throat doctors to respond with an automatic prescription for surgery, anesthesia and tubes to drain the inner ear. But there is a well-known issue that arises when a child five years old or under is subjected to anesthesia many times,…
The Great Misdiagnosis of ADHD in Children
When the CDC, the Center for Disease Control, reports that 11% of children in school are diagnosed as being affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), smart people in the academic and medical worlds start to see a disturbing trend. Either there is something in our environment, in our food, or in the vaccines and…
Are Doctors Too Quick to Choose Surgery for Childhood Ear Infections?
Should children really have to undergo anesthesia and surgery to correct ear infections? It’s well-known that any surgery that requires anesthesia carries serious risks. And our children’s young, small bodies are prime targets for surgery or anesthesia gone wrong. Through the years, the medical community has considered surgery for ear infections a cookie-cutter, production line…