Study: an Evaluation of Chiropractic Adjustments & Hyperactivity in Children

This is a big topic, and a big concern for moms who have been told their child is suffering from ADHD And then told that there’s nothing much that can be done, besides giving them drugs. While the results of this study are not conclusive, they certainly bring focus to the benefits chiropractic can bring…

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Why Teens Shouldn’t Rely on Painkillers

Reducing exposure to drugs at an early age is a critical issue. That’s why we brought you this candid look at the prescription drug problem we have with our young people. Much of the problem stems from a first experience at the doctor with pain management, which involves opioid drugs. It’s a vicious cycle, as…

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Chiropractic Adjustments Shown to Reverse Autism in 3-year-old Girl

We love reports like these. It reminds us that advances are being made in health and wellness, that help people without drugs, antibiotics and surgery. In this revealing study, once again we see what chiropractic can do, with a real world case study. If you know anyone who can relate to this, be sure to…

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Harvard Research Links Fluoridated Water to ADHD, Other Issues

This article explores an interesting theory about the source of ADHD in children: the high level of chemicals in our environment Which our children are exposed to every day. The Study A leading cause of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism in children could be the hidden chemicals lurking in the foods we eat, the…

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“Doctored”: a Defense of Chiropractic

“Doctored”, Bobby Sheehan’s scattered film about the benefits of chiropractic care, opens with tales from the days when chiropractors were dismissed as quacks, cultists and charlatans. Why all the hating? Turns out it stemmed from a longstanding campaign by the American Medical Association that ended only when the A.M.A. lost an antitrust lawsuit and was…

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