Why Teens Shouldn’t Rely on Painkillers
Reducing exposure to drugs at an early age is a critical issue. That’s why we brought you this candid look at the prescription drug problem we have with our young people. Much of the problem stems from a first experience at the doctor with pain management, which involves opioid drugs. It’s a vicious cycle, as…
Your First Steps to Understanding Autism
The world of Autism is an ugly, hopeless world for parents and children. When signs of Autism appear, families are thrust into a whirlwind of emotions. From anger to extreme frustration, to self-blame and hopelessness… parents of an Autistic child immediately leave their normal, happy life behind, for a long journey through what seems like…
How Do You Know if Your Child Has ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, seems to be the diagnosis of choice for many doctors and pediatricians these days. And the typical treatment for children said to be afflicted with ADHD is the prescribing of stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin. These stimulants have significant side-effects that affect your child, like loss of appetite, weight…